Wholesale and retail energy prices

We aim to be your source of truth for energy price data. Whether you're a concerned homeowner searching for current retail prices, or a business looking for the latest wholesale prices.

Here's the latest figures

Current Energy Prices





Our mission

By consumers, for consumers.

Since the beginning of 2022, energy companies have been making eye-watering profits. Wholesale prices have been on a steady decline since September 2022, but retail prices have only slightly decreased as of July 2023.

Utility Prices mission is simple. We want to use our industry experience to let everyday consumers know why prices are not dropping, when they will drop and ultimately how to be the first to utilise dropping energy prices.

We believe that the current system is not fit for purpose and that the government should be doing more to help consumers. Until then, we'll be here to help you.

Avg. annual energy bill in 2023
Went bust due to the energy crisis
29 companies
Customers were displaced
4 million

Latest utility prices news

Find out more about what's going on with energy prices this month.


When will energy prices drop?

Wholesale prices dropped several months ago, with electricity prices almost hitting 2-year lows. Why are companies like British Gas not passing on these savings to their customers? Is it greed or is there a good reason?

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